Hinduism is the dominant religion, or way of life, in South Asia, most notably in India and Nepal.
Although Hinduism contains different philosophies, there are shared concepts, common ritual techniques, cosmology and pilgrimage to sacred sites.
It includes Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism among other denominations, each with an interwoven diversity of beliefs and practices.
Hinduism, with about one billion followers is the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam.
The History of Hinduism, with all the controversy that surrounds the very term "Hinduism," and in the absence of a commonly agreed upon periodization of the intellectual development of India, is necessarily an interpretative construct, built on many assumptions.
The History of Hinduism is a fairly extensive Glossary offers translations and explanations of Sanskrit terms used.
The Select Bibliography documents the literature referred to, and offers suggestions for further reading in the history of Hinduism.
Rich resources for the study of each and every aspect of the history of Hinduism mentioned in this app are available today to continue reading for an entire lifetime.